Alex Maksymiw

Alex Maksymiw

Having began his writing career at Veryali Gaming, Alex has changed gears and has decided to write about his one true passion, Pokémon! Alex is one of our resident competitive experts and loves messing around with peculiar EV's, move sets and typing combos to keep his opponents on their toes. Also, when he's not out tossing Pokeballs in the tall grass, he's quite a handy guitar player and a decent photographer to boot!

Pokemon: The Johto Journeys Anime Guide

johto journeys anime

Pokemon: The Johto Journeys anime holds a very special place in my heart. You see Pokemon Silver and all things second-gen left a mark on my young soul. It seemed like every day, I’d rewind my Pokemon 2,000 and Pokemon:…

Every Wolf Pokemon Guide

every wolf pokemon

Walking my Jackapoo puppy and old Collie Cross, I’ve often wondered what it would be like to venture into the Pokemon world. Would my puppy be a flame-spitting Fire-type Pokemon or a shadowy Dark-type due to its mischievous behavior? While…

I Choose You Guide

I Choose You Guide

It’s quarter to four on a Friday, and I’ve just got back from school me and my buddy have already had a Pokemon battle on the ride home. We are both excited to show how our Pokemon have grown and…